Let's Watch
The Plot;
Set two years after 'The Battle of New York' in the Avengers film, our darling Steve Rogers is coping with thawed out life in the modern world. But we wouldn't have a film to watch if that didn't slowly start to go, horribly wrong. Things begin to take a bit of a nose dive when a few blasts from the past rear their heads. 

A host of characters from the original Captain America return, with a splash of newbies. In terms of the Avengers themselves, we have Captain America and Black Widow. Director Fury makes a return as do a few other familiar Shield faces. I always like the references to the other avengers, the Stark name pops up a couple of times, and I seem to remember a throwaway comment about Bruce Banner.
The Design;
Two things Marvel always does well; character costumes and locations. The Shield building is a futuristic thing of beauty, which is a great contrast the haunting abandoned army base where Steve was trained and shield was born. Captain America has received a new suit, and in my opinion... has gotten blonder? I can't be sure of that but it seemed like it to me. Personally I liked the old suit better but it does make some appearances. I think everyone has new outfits that are simpler and more modernised than the designs in the Avengers. When it comes to the character design though, a few members of team bad guy can share the crown for looking damn fabulous.
The Special Effects;
When it comes to special effects, Marvel know how to knock it out the park. It wouldn't be a comic book/superhero movie without an epic battle between good and evil, or three. Which gives them plenty of time to really show those skills off. There are plenty of explosions, creative shield uses and fabulous space age Shield technology to marvel at.
The soundtrack is almost entirely an original score, but when I actually came to think about it... I couldn't remember any distinct stand out soundtrack moments. A quick google revealed an article about how it was widely critised for being nothing special. That's probably why I don't remember it, although I'm always of the ideal that if it doesn't stand out then it does exactly what it is meant to do, and complement the visual on screen.
To Conclude;
Bring on Captain America 3. Please? Like now? Or just deliver me Captain America in a box. That also works for me.
So who is your favourite Avenger? Edward Norton's Hulk and Thor are strong contenders, but my fave is definitely good old Captain America, and not just because he's a hunk and a half.
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